Complete Canadian Curriculum Book for Grade 1 - Popular Book Company (Canada) Ltd.
Complete Canadian Curriculum Book for Grade 1
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Complete Canadian Curriculum Book for Grade 1

Complete Canadian Curriculum is an integrated curriculum workbook that covers four key subject areas in the first-grade curriculum: Math, English, Social Studies, and Science. The curriculum-based units are designed to ensure that your child under...

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Complete Canadian Curriculum is an integrated curriculum workbook that covers four key subject areas in the first-grade curriculum: Math, English, Social Studies, and Science.

The curriculum-based units are designed to ensure that your child understands the concepts and masters the necessary skills. Broken down into individual lessons, each lesson focuses on a topic within that key subject area, and includes detailed explanations with follow along examples.

An answer key is provided at the back of the book to help both students and parents check their work.

With the vivid, full colour, illustrations and interesting activities, your child will find working through Complete Canadian Curriculum both fun and rewarding!

Complete Canadian Curriculum workbooks are created with Canadian curriculum based content and Canadian themes.

Perfect Bound
8¼” X 11¼”
368 Pages

ISBN : 9781771492348

Customer Reviews

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  1. CC

    Educational and age appropriate
    This is a great book for my daughter. She was excited to scan through before we actually began using it so that’s a plus. We are looking forward to using this book more to increase our knowledge.

  2. Norm Smith

    It is a great book!
    It includes all subjects and activities are all done in proper sequential order
    Love it!

  3. Ritchie

    Exactly like advertised
    This book has everything a gr one will need in Ontario. Great book can’t wait to start using this with my daughter!

  4. Allan Ling

    Good one
    It’s recommended by my cousin, worth to buy.

  5. Funmeme

    Received right on time and intact.

  6. Mehroza saher

    Pros/easy to my 5 year to understand ,teaches every thing a grade 1 student should know. Cons/nothing that affects my child’s learning.

  7. Carrie

    Very useful!
    Super useful for teaching grade level skills to my students!

  8. Courtney Pedersen

    I found this book a great guideline for 1st grade homeschooling. I branched off and created more content following this curriculum. My daughter really enjoyed the Math and English parts. I found the Science and Social Studies to be quite easy and juvenile. (IMO) We skipped through most of those sections, but once again it helped me understand where my child should be in 1st grade. I will definitely order the 2nd grade curriculum. However, I’m not sure if I will order the complete book again or just purchase their Math and English sections separate?

  9. Ahmad Dost mohammad

    Amazing book good one for grade 1
    Teach my son

  10. Brittany Collins

    Great for prepping your kids for kindergarten
    The product itself my son ironically loves. It’s very interactive in the ways it’s attempting to teach the kids. An example of this is there is a page about leaves and asks that the child go outside WITH an adult and grab some different kinds of leaves, now I see how this can be problematic in areas where the weather isn’t cooperating. We did this in the winter and ended up going to the dollar store to grab some leaves! Great product and great content

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